About Us

Give to the Mission of ReWire
ReWire began with a team who visited a small band of churches and engaged with missional communities that cared for the poor.
The team realized that Christians in the American church are often removed from the poor, the very ones Jesus called us to serve. Transformation was needed in our churches, as well as in our cities. ReWire began and remains committed to this transformation -
Today, ReWire is located in 15 metropolitan cities across the U.S. and has a team of 23. Each team member has extensive
experience in ministry among the poor and spiritual formation.
In 2019, ReWire became a Religious Covenant Community. The structure of a Covenant Community, with clear rhythms and values, is an essential aspect of our work. It sustains our spiritual lives and directs our vision to create and sustain Kingdom Outposts.
Our Process
ReWire trains people, pastors, and communities to be contemplatives in action. Our participants are bringing the hope of Jesus to the broken, the poor, and the marginalized of our world.
The ReWire process is an intentional and strategic plan designed to transform people that are moved toward justice and create communities committed to Kingdom action.
By aligning our approach with their existing structures and strategic plans, leaders have successfully implemented the ReWire process.
This has been accomplished with in-person or live on-line sessions led by experienced ReWire facilitators.
See the Impact
See the real intimacy and impact ReWire has had with just one of the many churches using our discipleship programs. Lakeside Presbytery’s Pastor and congregants describe their engagement. Their raw emotions as a result of finding their calling is captivating.
What Others Are Saying About ReWire
David Fitch
Northern Seminary Pastor - Peace of Christ Church, Westmont IL, Author of Faithful Presence
“ReWire is a special place with special people working for the reshaping of Christ’s church for mission. Its cohorts shape disciples to live Jesus to a lost and frenzied world. Timely. Radical. Vital. Much needed for our times. I encourage many to go on this life-changing journey.”
Hugh Halter
Author, Planter, Consultant to today’s missionary movement
“Having surveyed the landscape of church planting both in the US and globally, I wholeheartedly endorse ReWire as a unique and faithful environment that coaches today’s planters with both missional practices and real heart formation.”
Alan Hirsch
Author of numerous books on missional Christianity and founder of 100Movements, Forge Mission Training Network, and 5Q Collective
“ReWire is on the leading edge in terms of the development of Protestant missionary orders. The team is composed of reflective practitioners dedicated to cultivating incarnational forms of mission in ways that involve all of God’s people. I commend them to you.”
Tom Ashbrook
Founder Imago Christi, Author of Mansions of the Heart and Contagious Fire
“ReWire wonderfully models Jesus’ strategy of life in the Kingdom of God by connecting God’s personal invitation to loving intimacy with Him experienced in joining Jesus in His loving ministry to the poor and marginalized. By building spiritual formation/missional communities in local churches, ReWire extends personal transformation throughout the local church and into the community. Powerful!”
David Hillis
President Leadership Foundation
“The church needs to be a credible witness to a world looking for answers.” ReWire and its commitment to spiritual formation provides the tonic required for such a journey.”
ReWire does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, national origin, religion, disability, sexuality, gender, or age in admission or participation in its programs, services, and activities.
Want to get in touch?
If you want to know more about us or simply want to just get connected, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’d love to hear from you!