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Care for the Poor: Jesus’ Way of Community Transformation
Care for the Poor: Jesus’ Way of Community Transformation
Jesus is our example of the ultimate servant. He lived among us, walked with the poor, had a heart of humility, and displayed self-offering love. His servant character is what we should strive to imitate. As a community we will explore the kind of heart change necessary to do this, as well as the practical question of how to live it out.
We live in a world where the poor are often not a part of our daily lives. Gated communities, private schools, and even freeways insulate our interaction with those who are vulnerable. In this class we begin to look at the issue of poverty and how Jesus broke through dividing walls to care for those who suffer and are alienated by the larger society. We will learn a practical theology and methodology for offering ourselves to the needy of our world.
Care for the Poor is a 10-week, cohort based course. Each week will consist of one group class session (1.5 hrs.) and daily rhythms of prayer, learning, and action. Like all ReWire formation, the structure and dynamic of this course is built to reflect our Inward, Outward, Together discipleship process.
Facilitator: This course will be facilitated by an experienced ReWire team member
Location: This entire course and cohort will be hosted virtually, live in the ReWire Hub (Unless otherwise pre-arranged as an in-person cohort)
*curious about in-person options for your community? Contact us, let’s talk about it
Course Outline:
Week 1: Overview & Ministry of Mercy
Week 2: Understanding the Divide
Week 3: Motivation for Mission
Week 4: Word and Deed and Power
Week 5: Jesus in the Poor
Week 6: Four Levels of Mercy
Week 7: Deserving and Undeserving Poor
Week 8: Empowerment
Week 9: Solidarity
Week 10: Activate
What is ReWireU?
ReWireU is ReWire's online center for missional living and offers a variety of easily accessible spiritual formation courses and cohorts. Our virtual formation courses are facilitated live, by experienced ReWire directors. Each course space is private to those participating in each cohort and our environments are intended to be dynamic, offering true spiritual formation online.
Why ReWire?
ReWire trains people, pastors, and communities to be contemplatives in action. Over the past 15 years we developed and honed a discipleship process for a new era that addresses our deepest need for intimacy with God, impact on our generation, and walking together in love. We team with individuals and church leaders to create highly committed missional communities who bring the hope of Jesus and serve as a healing force in the broken places of the world. Learn more about our story and how we engage our generation.
Feel free to reach out to us to learn more, we're always happy to connect.